adjusting your rope
Your rope arrives and you just want to get started. you might not even wait till you're back inside before you open it.
I'm feeling you.
but before you get started you'll have to adjust the length of your rope.
there's not real 'right' or 'wrong' when it comes to adjusting the length of your rope.
our ropes can be adjusted to any size, making them perfect for kids and adults.
but you want the length of your rope to make it easier to jump efficiently and with good form. that'll help you avoid injury and give you good control over the rope so you can improve your skills.
here's what I recommend (with the all time rope)
1. tie two knots on one side of the rope near the handle.
2. stand on your rope with one foot and hold the handles horizontally. if you're just starting out, you want the handles to come a couple of inches above your belly button.
that length will give you a little more room for error and will help you learn the basics.
3. adjust the black clip to keep the handles in the right position and cut off the excess rope. (cut it tight flush against the back of the black clip).
when your timing improves, you can make it a little shorter. a shorter rope will help you increase your speed and give you more control.
you can shorten it by tying another knot or two in it. play around with it and find a length that works for you.
tip: over time your all time rope will wear. undo a knot and feed the rope out of the handle then cut off the excess rope. that'll change where it strikes the ground to prolong the life of your all time rope!
you're welcome.
what are you waiting for? Start skipping!
another tip. the length for the all you beaded rope is the same but the process will be slightly different (you've got it). you'll have to remove beads to shorten the rope. keep the beads that you remove and replace the old ones as they wear. your rope will last for years and years and years!